[POSTPONED] - University Dance Theatre
Event Date: Thursday, March 12 - 7:30 pm to Sunday, March 15 - 5:00 pm
Location: Creative Arts, Little Theatre
SFSU has recently suspended all on-campus events and face-to-face classes in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19, this includes UDT. We are currently working on scheduling alternative dates and will share those as soon as we can. For the latest on SFSU's response to COVID-19 please check SFSU's COVID-19 information page.
Directed by Jo Tomalin
University Dance Theatre 2020 features a 16-student dance ensemble in an exciting new choreography showcase. This year’s production features work from guest choreographer dana e. fitchett, as well as new work from faculty choreographers Wendy Diamond, ArVejon Jones, and Ray Tadio.
Performance Dates:
Thursday, March 12 @ 7:30PM (Opening) [Postoned]
Friday, March 13 @ 7:30PM [Postponed]
Saturday, March 14 @ 7:30PM [Postponed]
Sunday, March 15 @ 2PM (Performance with a Post Show Talk Back) [Postponed]
Student $8
General $10
Patron $20 - Patron Level Tickets generate extra revenue that directly supports our students and helps improve their learning experience