Roy Conboy
Roy Conboy is a writer and theatre artist of Latino/Mixed Blood/Indigenous descent. He’s been the head of the Playwrighting Program at San Francisco State University for more than 25 years where he’s developed numerous production opportunities for playwrights including the Fringe, Fringe Goes Long, and GreenHouse. His recent plays include: When the Clouds Got Stuck, for Handful Players, SF. A Song at Night, featured finalist for American Blues Theatre’s Blue Ink Contest. Sofa Sin Casa (Couch With No Home), a crowd-sourced play on the housing crisis; They Came Like Fire, presented by Theatre of Yugen in its “Yugen In Action” festival; In Hollow Time: A Blues Mystery on the Recession, developed and produced at SFSU; My Tia Loca’s Life of Crime at Breath of Fire Latina Theater Ensemble in Santa Ana, and Bindlestiff Studios in San Francisco.
Emphasis: Playwriting, Contemporary theatre, Chicano theatre, Business and production of playwriting